Installation ============ Python Version -------------- We recommend using the latest version of Python 3. Lamapi supports Python 3.5 and newer. Dependencies ------------ Lamapi is a serverless framework and depends on AWS Lambda and API Gateway, so we try to restrict dependent packages. This is the only package you need to try Lamapi except built-in packages. Lamapi depends on AWS Lambda and API Gateway, you should deploy the code to AWS after development. We recommend you to use something like `Serverless Framework `_, check `here `_ to see how to use serverless framework on AWS. Installation ------------ You should install lamapi in the current directory since you can upload it to Lambda. .. code-block:: sh pip install -t lib lamapi Lamapi is now installed. Check out the :doc:`/quickstart` or go to the :doc:`Documentation Overview `. Check out our source from `Github `_. Start Serverless Project using Serverless Framework and Lamapi -------------------------------------------------------------- We assume you have **Serverless Framework** installed. `Installation Guide `_ Create A Project **************** .. code-block:: sh serverless create --template aws-python3 --path hello Update Configuration File ************************* Update *serverless.yml* to something like this: .. code-block:: yaml service: hello provider: name: aws runtime: python3.7 functions: hello: handler: handler.handler events: - http: path: hello method: get We use the python3.7 interpreter and add a function named *hello* listening at **/hello** path. .. Note, you should use lambda-proxy integration (it is the default value) for your function because it formats a standard request and response structure. See `Serverless Lambda Proxy Integration `_ and `AWS API Gateway Integration `_. Then we edit ** file as below: .. code-block:: python from lib.lamapi import Application def handler(event, context): app = Application() @app.route(path='/hello', method='GET') def hello(request): return ['hello world'] return Deploy & Test Your Project ************************** Deploy project .. code-block:: sh serverless deploy Invoke function .. code-block:: sh serverless invoke -f hello -l Next start to use **Lamapi** to build a web API :doc:`/quickstart`.