
Use your own configuration object

Lamapi use a simple config object to store variables. You can get config object by config attribute of request object.

def hello(request):
    // get config object
    config = request.config
    // get config variables
    log_level = request.config.LOG_LEVEL

You can define your own variables by extending the base config class.

Add a file,

from lib.lamapi.config import BaseConfig

class Config(BaseConfig):

    VAR1 = 'value1'

Then you can start application by this config class,

from lib.lamapi import Application
from config import Config

def handler(event, context):
    config = Config()
    app = Application(config)

    @app.route(path='/', method='GET')
    def hello(request):
        // get config variable
        var1 = request.config.VAR1

Load configuration from environments

Mostly you want to config your application by environments.

Change your file,

import os
from lib.lamapi.config import BaseConfig

class Config(BaseConfig):

    VAR1 = os.environ.get('VALUE1') or 'default'

Built-in configuration

There are also some built-in configuration defined in the BaseConfig class. You can change them by using environments.


Define the logging level, values [FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG], default ERROR


Define the logging formatter, default %(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(filename)s (%(lineno)d): %(message)s


Enable CORS or not, values [on, off], default off