
Python Version

We recommend using the latest version of Python 3. Lamapi supports Python 3.5 and newer.


Lamapi is a serverless framework and depends on AWS Lambda and API Gateway, so we try to restrict dependent packages. This is the only package you need to try Lamapi except built-in packages.

Lamapi depends on AWS Lambda and API Gateway, you should deploy the code to AWS after development. We recommend you to use something like Serverless Framework, check here to see how to use serverless framework on AWS.


You should install lamapi in the current directory since you can upload it to Lambda.

pip install -t lib lamapi

Lamapi is now installed. Check out the Quick Start or go to the Documentation Overview.

Check out our source from Github.

Start Serverless Project using Serverless Framework and Lamapi

We assume you have Serverless Framework installed. Installation Guide

Create A Project

serverless create --template aws-python3 --path hello

Update Configuration File

Update serverless.yml to something like this:

service: hello

  name: aws
  runtime: python3.7

    handler: handler.handler
      - http:
          path: hello
          method: get

We use the python3.7 interpreter and add a function named hello listening at /hello path.

Note, you should use lambda-proxy integration (it is the default value) for your function because it formats a standard request and response structure. See Serverless Lambda Proxy Integration and AWS API Gateway Integration.

Then we edit file as below:

from lib.lamapi import Application

def handler(event, context):
    app = Application()

    @app.route(path='/hello', method='GET')
    def hello(request):
        return ['hello world']


Deploy & Test Your Project

Deploy project

serverless deploy

Invoke function

serverless invoke -f hello -l

Next start to use Lamapi to build a web API Quick Start.